Life Stage Nutrition: Adult Dogs

Making sure your adult dog gets the all the nutrients they needs is essential

Created: 3/21/2017 Updated: 8/24/2021 - Shelley Audis-Riddell

diet, Diet & Nutrition, digestion, dogs

Small breeds

There is a tendency to think that the daily energy requirement of a small breed would be a lot less than that of a large breed, but in fact, this is not the case. Small breeds of dog generally have higher metabolic rates than large breeds but, at the same time, they have a smaller stomach capacity. Therefore, an ideal diet to feed would be an energy-dense one. An energy-dense diet has a high concentration of nutrients that enables the overall volume of food fed per day to be reduced.

Small dog waiting to be fed

Adult dogs

The adult period for a dog varies according to breed. From the stage when the dog has completed its growth phase, to the stage when ageing processes are starting to affect it, the dog is considered adult and is best fed adult formula diets. Smaller, toy breeds mature quickly and they can be grown-up by six months of age, while giant breeds may require over two years of growth.

The aim of an adult lifestage diet is to maintain ideal body weight by balancing the amount of activity with the amount of food fed. A diet with a high-quality protein source will help maintain a healthy immune system and lean body mass; the diet should also be moderately energy dense and highly digestible.

Some dogs can be sensitive to specific ingredients, so a food formulated from quality, digestible sources of carbohydrate (e.g. rice), meat-based proteins and fats of maintained freshness will often meet the needs of these sensitive dogs. For those sensitive to specific proteins, alternative sources of high quality protein, such as fish, can be helpful.

How OSCAR can help...

Optimised nutrition. Foods to suit all adults. With gluten-free, grain-free, wheat-gluten-free diets as well as foods for working and sporting dogs;OSCAR Adult Complete foods will keep your adult dog active, healthy and happy.

Do you need further advice?

If you need any further advice, please contact the OSCAR Helpline Team on our freephone number 0800 195 8000 or email