Responsible Dog Ownership
As responsible dog owners, the care we give our adorable four-legged friends includes feeding, walking, grooming, playing and, most importantly, clearing up after them.
Picking up dog mess is an unavoidable part of dog ownership and an essential task. Abandoned dog mess can be a big problem in dog walking areas. It is offensive if stepped in and can ruin local parks, beaches and countryside. Failing to clear up after your dog can spoil the public’s enjoyment of the environment around them and leads to complaints which result in dogs being banned from local areas. Everybody loses out.
Here are some important things to remember and some simple steps to prevent dog mess becoming a nuisance:
Picking up after your dog
Picking up after your dog prevents the transmission of intestinal infections and diseases to other dogs and people.
Roundworm and hookworm can be transmitted to children and adults who play or work where faeces is present.
In warm summer months, abandoned faeces leaves an offensive odour.
Get into the habit of taking a couple of poop scoop bags with you when you go out on a walk. Keep them with your dog’s lead or in your dog-walking jacket.
Dog faeces and urine can burn lawns in the warmer summer months. Picking up after your dog can help you eliminate this problem.
Failure to pick up after your dog increases the risk of dogs being banned from parks and local areas.
Local authorities have the power to enforce Dog Fouling By-Laws. A person in-charge of a dog on a walk has a legal responsibility to pick up after that dog. Failure to pick up after your dog can result in a fine of up to £1000.
Do you need further advice?
If you need any further advice, please contact the OSCAR Helpline Team on our freephone number 0800 195 8000 or email